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Tips for Tarot Beginners

Tips for Tarot Beginners

Are you interested in learning how to read Tarot? If so, you will find an array of resources and guides. Unfortunately, all this information can be confusing and make things more complicated than they are.

If you are ready to learn this art, use the tips found here. They will help you get started and provide you with a solid foundation for reading Tarot.  

Keep Things Simple

You will find it is easy to get lost in the complex esoteric systems that are involved with the Tarot. While there are many interesting parts, if you try to learn all the systems at once, you may be overwhelmed.

A better option is to keep things simple. Stick with simple spreads, simple techniques, and simple meanings. By doing this, you can grow your confidence and gain the skills required.

Build a Personal Connection with the Tarot

Some people try to learn to read Tarot cards by reading all types of books and trying to memorize all the meanings. This will not be helpful or effective. Not only will you likely forget the meanings, but you also will not have an intuitive or personal connection with the cards.

However, your intuitive insights would likely take off if you related to the cards on a more personal level. Try to look to your day-to-day life for particular examples of your Tarot cards. Which card is a good description of your day? What card would represent your friend? If you make things personal, you will find it is easier to learn and grow in your abilities.

Use an A 1-3 Card Spread Instead of a Celtic Cross

Almost every Tarot book for beginners starts with the Celtic Cross Tarot spread. While this is a visually appealing spread, with ten cards involved, it is not the right place for beginners to start.

A better option is to use a simple one to three-card spread. Believe it or not, you can gain a lot of insight from even a single card reading.

Draw One Tarot Card Per Day

An excellent way to learn Tarot and to develop a personal connection with it is by drawing a single card per day. Start by asking what you should focus on today and then proactively manifest the energy during the day. You can even ask the Tarot what you are going to experience today. When the day ends, match up what happened during the day and what you know about the card you drew. As time passes, the personal experiences with the Tarot will grow and give you a better understanding of how to use it.

Are You Ready to Learn Tarot?

When it comes to learning how to read Tarot, there are several factors to consider. If you want help or guidance, you can sign up for a class or rely on tips from the professionals. By using the information, you can develop your skills and ensure you get the desired readings and results.