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Demystifying the Myths About Good and Bad Tarot Cards

psychic tarot card readings

Imagine this. You went to a tarot card reader, and pulled out the ‘Death’ or the ‘Tower’ card. Would your heart skip a beat? Or would you start to panic, as they both are classified as ‘bad’ tarot cards?

If you really are interested in psychic tarot card readings, you’ll know that the entire concept of “good and bad tarot cards” is nothing but a myth! Tarot cards are tools for interpretation, and the ‘Death,’ ‘Devil,’ or ‘Tower’ cards can signify challenges rather than misfortune!

The meaning of one tarot card heavily relies on the string of other cards you have yet to draw. In this blog, we will take a deep dive into tarot cards and will demystify the misconceptions associated with these tools to unveil their true potential.

What’s The Purpose of Tarot Cards?

Although primarily used as self-reflective tools, many people use tarot cards for fortune-telling purposes as well. However, it’s important to remember that tarot cards are mere tools and not definitive answers to the questions that you are seeking.

For instance, you want to see what lies ahead of you in the future and visit someone who is known for accurate tarot card reading. However, the first card you draw is the ‘Death’ card! Does that mean that your life is soon coming to an end?

Most certainly not! Tarot card reading is based on interpretations. The ‘negative’ cards might convey that you are going to face some major transformations in life, or will be faced with some real challenges that would welcome certain major changes in your life! It all depends on your own intuition, and how well the reader interprets the meaning of the subsequent cards you draw. Every card in the tarot deck represents some human experience.

Along with tarot readings, you can also make use of magic spells to transform your challenges into success stories effectively!

How to Read a Tarot Card?

Want to know how to read tarot cards? Here are some easy steps that you can follow-

  • Learn about each of the 78 cards of the tarot deck, including the imageries, and their symbolism.
  • Be clear about what you want to know about yourself.
  • Shuffle the whole deck thoroughly.
  • Draw the cards and start thinking about what each of them interprets.
  • Combine your interpretations and look at how each card you draw relates to the other.
  • Follow your intuitions to read the cards appropriately.

Seek Help from a Tarot Card Reader

Instead of scouring for meanings on your own, it’s always better to seek help from the best tarot card readers to unveil what mysteries await you!

So, it’s best if you don’t take any chances and contact us at Jessica Black’s Spell Collections. We are specialists in tarot card readings and can help you accurately predict what changes you are going to experience in life shortly. This will help you decide whether or not you have to buy magic spells online to align with or confront the upcoming situations in life.

In short, there aren’t anything like good or bad tarot cards. It all depends on how you interpret the images and meanings! If you want an expert’s help with tarot card readings, drop us an e-mail at to avail our services today!